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Everything You Need To Know About Emergency Heater Repair Services

There’s No Such Thing as a Planned Emergency!

No level of preparation is enough to won’t stop every heating emergency. And they always seem to come at the very worst times. Like when friends or family are over. Or on a holiday when heating repair companies are closed. 

Fortunately, everything homeowners need to know about heating emergencies is in this article, even down to what to do to prepare for the technician’s arrival. 

What Exactly Is a Heating Emergency?

It can be tempting for homeowners to adopt a “wait and see” approach when dealing with heating issues. Unfortunately, that approach often leads to a heating emergency. It may not happen right away, but the longer a heating issue is put off, the more likely it is to turn into a full-fledged emergency. 

A heating emergency can be many things. Usually, it is a situation in which the heater has stopped providing heat to keep a house warm. In extremely low temperatures, this can pose a danger to the house’s inhabitants and should be dealt with immediately by calling a repair technician. However, this isn’t the only issue that can be classified as a heating emergency. 

A few others include:

  • Abrupt banging or grinding sounds from the heater
  • The smell of gas around the furnace
  • Sickness, dizziness, headaches, confusion, or vomiting of many people in the home at once
  • A yellow pilot light

Things You Should Do Before the Technician Arrives

Homeowners can do certain helpful things to prepare for a technician during a heating emergency or a routine maintenance visit. The first includes clearing the area around the heating unit or furnace. These units are often installed in out-of-the-way places and are usually used for storage, so clearing the area can help the tech do their job easier. 


It’s also a good idea to have any questions in mind or written down to ask the tech. The best companies always provide payment information and details upfront, so homeowners should know exactly how and how much to pay. If not, it’s best to ask before the technician starts doing any work. 

How To Prevent Future Heating Emergencies


The best way homeowners can prevent future heating emergencies is by scheduling regular maintenance. This will allow technicians to get a handle on any impending issues before they become emergencies. It’s also a good idea to change the filters regularly, clean around the units, and make sure the vents aren’t blocked. Otherwise, those homeowners that schedule appointments at the first sign of trouble often prevent emergencies and save money all at once. 

About All Clear Plumbing

Since opening their doors in 1952, All Clear Plumbing has been happy to serve Belleville, NJ residents. They provide old-fashioned customer service by licensed and insured technicians. Call now for heating services!